
Enseigne : Questomatica

Foeliestraat 16
1011, Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Tel: +31 6 28383155
E-mail: hello@questomatica.nl
Web: questomatica.nl/
Ils ouvrent de 9:30 à 23:00

( amplitude maximale )
Fourchette de prix
Min = 24,00€ , Max = 60,00€

Notre avis

Ever been in an escape room with no digit locks?
Questomatica experiences in Amsterdam are amazing game activities for both beginners and advanced groups. A real-life adventure with unique puzzles, riddles and tasks where you are the main characters.
Two real and immersive experiences with strong storylines as well as lights and music creating the feeling of being inside a game or movie.

On trouve 2 missions chez eux
On a fait 2 Missions