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Posté le: 20 décembre 2020


Yesterday evening (19 December 2020) was a special moment for escape games fans, especially after a year in which many brands suffered because of various local confinements.

But the creators knew how to innovate and surprise us again and again. This is how a new category with 25 nominees made its appearance in this incredible project that is TERPECA. We have already told you about it in a previous article, which aims to determine the best venues in the world.

As far as I am concerned, I have connected on a zoom with enthousiast friends from 8 different countries to share our surprise, to comfort us in our opinion, but above all to share our passion for escapes games. The discussions went on until 2 o'clock in the morning.

So yesterday evening Rich Bragg and Errol Elumir presented the winners during a live of almost 2 hours on YouTube. For those who want to see what it looked like:

Click here

Who's it for?

Let me make it clear: TERPECA will be criticized by a number of people, like everything today, because nothing is perfect. A main "concern" is the condition that the rooms are playable in English, the aim being to be playable by as many people as possible. So if you are looking for the best room in a country whose language you speak, check out the different prizes awarded by the countries and consult the blogs, Facebook groups and players in the country in question.

If you like to travel and are looking for rooms to do or even better plan trips for escapes the TERPECA is the ideal guide for the escapist.

This year's TERPECA (3rd edition) is 186 nominators who have nominated a total of 698 rooms. The 281 rooms with the most votes have now moved on to the second phase. Here 596 people, all of whom played at least 50 theatres, elected the winners.

As you will have understood, I really like this project, which I find very interesting. I can only advise you to take a look at their page and, like us, start dreaming about the future theatres we want to play!

I'll try to give you a summary:

The best rooms:





The Dome

Escape room Netherlands




Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore

Paradox Project




The man from beyond

Strange bird immersive




El Exorcista

No Exit




The Sanatorium





Aunt Hilda's Room

Trip Trap




Cutthroat Cavern

13th Gate Escape

Baton rouge



Dragonborn: The innkeeper’s son

Mad Mansion




La case [The house]

Insomnia Corporation




Going Underground

Crime Runners




La cerveceria [The brewery]





Paradox Project 3: The music academy

Paradox Project




The end





Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor

The Room




The Edison Escape Room

Palace Games

San Francisco



Töövestlus [interview]

Affect Laboratories




The lost treasure of Alexander Humboldt

The Room




An avalanche of oblivion

Claustrophobia Andorra




Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the wailing Woman





The storyteller's secret





Lab rat

Hatch Escapes

Los Angeles



The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus

De Gouden Kooi




Over time: 101 years of forgiveness

Mad Mansion




Over time: call or die

Mad Mansion




Elkano Escape room





Insane Paranoid





The Mystery of scum Island

Mad mansion




Ghost Patrol

Trivium Games




Abduction3 : The Exam





The Amsterdam catacombs

Logic Locks




Tomb Hunter : Akasha's Legend

Escape Barcelona

Santa Coloma de Gramenet



Neptune's curse

Hidden Games




Wake up

Station 33




Don't take a breath





Woman in black

Coven Escape Rooms




The Alley

Rätselraum Ruhrpott




The Storykeeper





Expedicion Maldita [Cursed Expedition]

Mythos Escape Room




Haunted House2 : Poltergeist

The chamber


Czech Republic


Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the zoo of death





Stash House

Stash House

Los Angeles



Jungle Quest

Escape Dimension




Obled [Asylum]





La mina [The mine]

Unreal Room Escape

Hospitalet de Llobregat / Irum



The intervention

Escape Center

Rishon Lezion



The secret of Kryptos

Myst Entertainment




Marcheurs de rêves [The dreamwalkers]

Cabinet Mysteriis

Quebec City








Mystery on Lived Street

Escape Dimension





Claustrophobia Moscow





Le top 10 des salles en visio:


1. Pursuit of the Assassin Artist Omescape San Jose USA
2. Miss Jezebel Online 60 Out Escape Rooms Los Angeles USA
3. Virtual Exorcist Emergency Exit Ashton-Under-Lyne UK
4. The Beast Emergency Exit Ashton-Under Lyne UK
5. The Vanishing Act Remote Locurio Seattle USA
6. The truth about Edith Mad Genius Escapes Portland USA
7. Agent Venture Mission Three: B.A.D. side of the moon The adventure is real London USA
8. Condemned 2 Online Norcal Escape Co Yuba City USA
9. Project Avatar: First Mission Legendary Escape Lviv Ukraine
10 Virtual X-Caper Agent November London UK
The Top companies :


1. Mad Mansion   Spain
  • DragonBorn: The Innkeeper's Son (2020 Top Room #8)
  • Over Time: 101 Years of Forgiveness (2020 Top Room #23)
  • Over Time: Call or Die (2020 Top Room #24)
  • The Mystery of Scum Island (2020 Top Room #27)
  • Dino Rising Blue Team (2020 Finalist)
  • Dino Rising Red Team (2020 Finalist)
  • The Legend: The Temple of Chaak (2020 Finalist)
  • Assassins vs Templars
  • Castlemaniac
  • The House of Madness
  • Mansion Crowell
  • Silent Town
  • T-Virus Apocalyse
2. The Room Berlin Germany
  • Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor (2020 Top Room #14)
  • The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt (2020 Top Room #17)
  • Go West (2020 Finalist)
  • The Beast of Berlin (2020 Finalist)
3. Paradox Project Athens Greece
  • Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore (2020 Top Room #2)
  • Paradox Project 3: The Music Academy (2020 Top Room #12)
  • Paradox Project: The Mansion (2020 Finalist)
4. Skurrilum Hamburg Germany
  • Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman (2020 Top Room #19)
  • Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death (2020 Top Room #40)
  • Guschi's Seedy Cellar (2018 Nominee)
  • Malvini's Legacy
  • The Phantom Island
5. Claustrophobia  







  • An Avalanche of Oblivion (Andorra) (2020 Top Room #18)
  • GhostHunters (Russia) (2020 Top Room #50)
  • Cinema of Despair (Andorra) (2020 Nominee)
  • Gulliver and the Giants (Spain) (2020 Nominee)
  • Home Video (Russia) (2020 Nominee)
  • Philosopher’s Stone (Spain) (2020 Nominee)
  • Alice in Nightmareland (Russia) (2018 Top Room #22)
  • Gravity (Estonia) (2019 Nominee)
  • Houdini's Escape (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • Iron Man (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • Rise of the Machines (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • Saw (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • et plein plein plein d’autres
6. Escape Dimension Perpigan France
  • Jungle Quest (2020 Top Room #42)
  • Mystère à Lived Street (2020 Top Room #49)
  • Morgana’s Curse
7. Wyjscie Awaryjne Bydgoszcz Poland
  • In the Shadow of the Pyramids (2020 Finalist)
  • Nautilus: The Underwater Adventure (2020 Finalist)
  • Operation: Metro (2020 Finalist)
  • The Legend of the Sword (2020 Finalist)
  • The Mystery of Nile’s Emperor (2020 Finalist)
  • Cell No. 4
  • Plan for Break
  • Treasury
8. 13th Gate Escape Baton Rouge USA
  • Cutthroat Cavern (2020 Top Room #7)
  • The Asylum (2020 Finalist)
  • Tomb of Anubis (2020 Finalist)
  • Agent 13 (2020 Nominee)
  • Spellbound (2020 Nominee)
  • The Collector (2020 Nominee)
  • Death Row
  • Hijacked
9. Palace Games San  
  • The Edison Escape Room (2020 Top Room #15)
  • The Roosevelt Escape Room (2020 Finalist)
  • The Great Houdini Escape Room (2020 Finalist)
  • Escape the Palace
  • Palace of Destiny
  • The Ruby Palace
  • The Sapphire Palace
Francisco FRancisco
10. Locurio Seattle USA
  • The Storykeeper (2020 Top Room #37)
  • The Vanishing Act Remote (2020 Top Online Room #5)
  • The Vanishing Act (2020 Finalist)
  • The Mysteries of Noximillian
  • The Falswift Objective
11. No Exit    
  • El Exorcista (2020 Top Room #4)
  • Death Row (2020 Finalist)
  • Route 666
  • The Mansion
12. Insomnia Corperation Berga Spain
  • The House [La Casa] (2020 Top Room #9)
  • The Doctor's Cocktail (2020 Finalist)
  • Xperiment (2020 Nominee)
  • Camping (2019 Finalist)
13. Escape Barcelona Santa Coloma de Gramenet Spain
  • Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend (2020 Top Room #31)
  • Alien: Origin (2020  Finalist)
  • Cybercity 2049
  • Jurassic Land
  • Pharaoh's Curse
  • The Lost Temple
14. The Maze Petah Tikva Israel
  • Cube (2020 Finalist)
  • The Sting (2020 Finalist)
  • Action! (2020 Nominee)
15. Omescape   Canada /USA
  • Pursuit of the Assassin Artist (2020 Top Online Room #1)
  • Chaos in the Galleria (2020 Finalist)
  • Joker's Asylum (2020 Nominee)
  • Nyctophobia: Fear of the Dark (2020 Nominee)
  • Kingdom of Cats
  • Forsaken Temple
  • Kingdom of Cat-tastrophy
  • Pandemic Zero
  • Sorcerer's Sanctum
  • et plus
16. Codex Escape Games Laval Canada
  • The Night of the Wolf and the Serpent (2020 Finalist)
  • The Reflection of Madness (2020 Finalist)
  • Spaceship Graveyard (2020 Nominee)
17. Emergency Exit Ashton-under-Lyne UK
  • Virtual Exorcist (2020 Top Online Room #3)
  • The Beast (2020 Top Online Room #4)
  • Conjure
  • Exorcist
  • Poltergeist
18. Exit19.pl Wroclaw Poland
  • Asylum [Obłęd] (2020 Top Room #43)
  • Betrayal in Breslau (2020 Finalist)
  • King Arthur's Dungeons (2020 Finalist)
  • Necromancer - Ritual of Death (2020 Finalist)
  • Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo (2020 Finalist)
  • Volcano in Madagascar (2020 Finalist)
  • Murder at the Office (2020 Nominee)
  • Prison Escape (2020 Nominee)
  • et plus
19. The Escape Game   USA
  • Playground (2020 Finalist)
  • Prison Break (2020 Finalist)
  • Ruins: Forbidden Treasure Remote (2020 Finalist)
  • Special Ops: Mysterious Market (2020 Finalist)
  • Gold Rush (2020 Nominee)
  • Mission: Mars (2020 Nominee)
  • Ruins: Forbidden Treasure (2020 Nominee)
  • Classified
  • The Heist
  • Nashville
  • White Noise
20. Darkpark   Netherlands
  • The End (2020 Top Room #13)
  • The Honeymoon Hotel (2020 Finalist)
  • The Orphanage (2020 Finalist)
  • The Freakshow (2020 Nominee)
  • The Dentist
  • Conspiracy 19
  • Witchery Spell
  • Dear Santa
21. Immersia Escape Games   Canada
  • Circus of Lost Souls (2020 Finalist)
  • Salutem Medicina Institute (2020 Finalist)
  • The Grand Immersia Hotel (2020 Finalist)
  • Warp Inc. (2020 Nominee)
  • The Forgotten Station
  • The Piccadilly Cabaret
  • Weekend at the Shack
22. The Adventure is real London UK
  • Agent Venture Mission 3: B.A.D Side of the Moon (2020 Top Online Room #7)
  • Agent Venture Mission 1: The Heist (2020 Finalist)
  • Agent Venture Mission 2: Cyborg Island (2020 Finalist)
23. Escaparium   Canada
  • The Legend of the Three Dragons (2020 Finalist)
  • The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen (2020 Finalist)
  • The Wizard Four and the Book of Black Arts (2020 Finalist)
  • The Final Stop (2020 Nominee)
  • The Wizard Four and the Rise of Lord Thulsa (2020 Nominee)
  • Tyranno Industries (2020 Nominee)
  • et beaucoup d’autres
24. The Basement   USA
  • The Courtyard (2020 Finalist)
  • The Elevator Shaft (2020 Finalist)
  • The Study (2020 Finalist)
  • The Basement (2020 Nominee)
  • Humana Festum
  • My Name Is Jamie
25. Tulleys Escape Romms Crawley UK  


By country:


For France:

16 finalists, 2 in the top 50

42 Jungle Quest - Escape Dimension (Perpignan)
49 Mystery on Lived Street - Escape Dimension (Perpignan)
53 Réglement de compte - Pandore & Associés (Paris)
64 La lettre d’Einstein - Le Passage (Bordeaux)
70 L’abattoir - One Hour (Paris)
93 Le Live Thriller - Borderlive Concepts (Paris)
144 Revolt at Lock Academy - Lock Academy (Paris)
172 La Pièce Odyssey - La Pièce (Paris)
173 L’avion - The Game (Paris)
182 Celestia - L’Atelier des Énigmes (Annecy)
189 Sur les traces des gardiens - Projet Dédale (Toulouse)
217 L’affaire Blackwood - Wake Up (Lyon)
218 L.A. Confidential - Lock Academy (Paris)
226 Le métro - The Game (Paris)
233 Cannibal Island - Quest Factory (Paris)
263 Lost Asylum - One Hour (Paris)
Et il y avait aussi une salle nommé pour les escapes en ligne:
25 Le casse du siècle - The Box (Metz)
14 finalists, 3 in the top 50
1 The Dome - Escape Room Netherlands (Bunschoten)
13 The End - DarkPark (Zoetermeer)
30 The Amsterdam Catacombs - Logic Locks (Amsterdam
55 Room 237 - Kamer 237 (Volkel)
87 Catch Me If You Can - Next Level (Eindhoven)
91 Bella Ciao - Escape Game Katwijk (Katwijk)
118 The Execution - The Escape Room Rijswijk (Rijswijk)
131 The Orphanage - DarkPark (Zoetermeer)
158 The Honeymoon Hotel - DarkPark (Zoetermeer)
166 Escape from Wonderland - Escape from Wonderland (Leiden)
183 The Vault - Sherlocked Netherlands (Amsterdam)
196 The Girl's Room - Escape Room Nederland (Bunschoten)
227 Flight 815 - Down the Hatch (Voorburg)
266 Judgment Day - My Escape Club (Amsterdam)
30 finalists, 7 in the top 50
2  Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore -  Paradox Project (Athens)
4  El Exorcista - No Exit (Athens)
5  The Sanatorium (Midnight Mode) - Lockhill (Athens
12  Paradox Project 3: The Music Academy - Paradox Project (Athens)
NR The Sanatorium (Night Mode) - Lockhill (Athens)
33  Wake Up - Station 33 (Athens)
34  Don't Take a Breath - Verone (Acharnes)
35  Woman in Black - Coven Escape Rooms (Athens)
54 Act II: The Litchver Woodland - Dark Escape Rooms (Athens)
57 Death Row - No Exit (Athens)
66 Requiem - Mystery Lab (Athens)
103 Paradox Project: The Mansion - Paradox Project (Athens)
NR The Sanatorium (Day Mode) - Lockhill (Athens)
111 The Creepy Store and the Lost Souls - Escapepolis (Athens)
112 Cosmos 05: Death in Space - Escapepolis (Athens)
149 The Emperor's Masterchef is Dead - Mister.E (Athens)
151 Room 201: Immortal - Escaped (Athens)
152 Escape the Car - Killer - Lockbusters (Greece) (Athens)
177 Experimentum X - Trapped (Greece) (Athens)
179 The Order Of Light - Brain Cells (Athens)
187 Room 107: Otherside - Escaped (Athens)
192 The Dark Side of Elements - Exit Plan (Athens)
201 Red Riding Hood - The Mind Hunters (Athens)
203 Swamp Of Sorrows: Death And Despair - Room 54 (Athens)
210 Mrs. Rose's House - The Darkwood Village (Athens)
216 Rebellion - Clock Escape Rooms (Athens)
241 Katharsis - Caves of Banjul - No Escape (Athens)
265 The Cursed Willy - Sherlocked Homes (Athens)
275 Another Dimension - Esc Rooms (Athens)
278 The Lockwood Manor - Lockhill (Athens)
52 finalists, 8 in the top 50
3  The Man from Beyond - Strange Bird Immersive (Houston, TX)
7  Cutthroat Cavern - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA)
15 The Edison Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA)
20 The Storyteller's Secret - Boxaroo (Boston, MA)
21 Lab Rat - Hatch Escapes (Los Angeles, CA)
28 Ghost Patrol - Trivium Games (Emeryville, CA)
37 The Storykeeper - Locurio (Seattle, WA)
41 Stash House - Stash House (Los Angeles, CA)
59 Plight of the Margo 1 & 2 - ConTRAPtions Escape Rooms (Fort Collins, CO)
63 Captain Spoopy Bones and the Magnificent Quest For Some Other Pirate's Treasure - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL)
73 The Last Defender - The House Theatre of Chicago / Denver Center for Performing Arts (several cities)
75 The Grand Parlor - 13th Hour Escape Rooms (Wharton, NJ)
76 The Ghost of Mentryville - Arcane Escape Rooms (Santa Clarita, CA)
77 Tomb of Anubis - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA)
79 The Observatory - The Gate Escape (Leominster, MA)
80 Chaos in the Galleria - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA)
100 The Roosevelt Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA)
105 The Asylum - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA)
117 Inventor's Attic - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA)
133 The Hex Room - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA)
136 Utopia - Riddle Room (United States) (Minneapolis, MN)
138 The Vanishing Act - Locurio (Seattle, WA)
139 A Knight to Escape - Escape Effect (Orlando, FL)
140 8-Bit Escape - Escape Room Herndon (Herndon, VA)
146 The Courtyard - The Basement (Sylmar, CA)
147 Zoe - Escapade Games (Fullerton, CA)
148 The Great Houdini Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA)
150 Time Chasers: Race for the Cure - trap't Escape Room Adventures (Stamford, CT)
153 Strange Magic - Mind Masters Challenge Chambers (Clermont, FL)
157 Over The Falls - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY)
160 Playground - The Escape Game (several cities)
164 Bonus Fun Time Game Show Challenge - Escape Factor (Forest Park, IL)
167 The Secret at Whitmore Estate - Breaking Point Escape Rooms (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
174 Murder Co - Black Market Escape Rooms (Upland, CA)
178 The Whispering Halls - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA)
190 Super Bomb Squad: Commandos Awesome - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL)
193 The Elevator Shaft - The Basement (Sylmar, CA)
207 Beat the Bomb Mission 01: Cyberbot - Beat the Bomb (Brooklyn, NY)
208 The Heist - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA)
209 Paradox: The Incredible Time Machine - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO)
211 The Skull Witch - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA)
215 Ruins of the Mystic Temple - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO)
221 Boda Borg - Boda Borg (Boston, MA)
229 Chapter 2: Playtime - Lost Games (Las Vegas, NV)
232 The Study - The Basement (several cities)
239 Special Ops: Mysterious Market - The Escape Game (several cities)
242 The U-Boat - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA)
243 Smugglers Den - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA)
248 It's a Doggy Dog World - Level Games / ESCapades LA (North Hollywood, CA)
249 Red Giant - Quest Room (Los Angeles, CA)
256 Magic Kingdom - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA)
276 The Psych Ward - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA)
261 The Clock Tower - Escape The Room (several cities)
7 finalists, 2 in the top 50
6  Aunt Hilda's Room - Trip Trap (Genève)
48  Kontinuum - AdventureRooms Technorama (Winterthur)
62 The Pirates of the Blacktrap - Trapgame (Charrat)
115 An Evening with the Voodoo Queen - Trip Trap (Geneva)
132 Spektrum - AdventureRooms (Wintherthur)
143 The Forbidden City 1901 - Time Maze (Baden)
254 The Ticking Heart (Part 1) - Inside Breakout (Zug)
47 finalists, 11 in the top 50
8  DragonBorn: The Innkeeper's Son - Mad Mansion (Vitoria)
9  The House - Insomnia Corporation (Berga)
11  The Brewery - Enigmik (Barcelona)
23  Over Time: 101 Years of Forgiveness - Mad Mansion (Pamplona)
24  Over Time: Call or Die - Mad Mansion (Pamplona)
25  Elkano Escape Room - Experientziak (Getaria)
27  The Mystery of Scum Island - Mad Mansion (Toledo)
29  Abduction 3: The Exam - Abduction (Badalona)
31  Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet)
38  Cursed Expedition - Mythos Escape Room (Murcia)
44  The Mine - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitlet de Llobregat/ Irun)
51 Quintana Mine / The Mine Diavik - Mina Madrid / Unreal Room Escape (Madrid)
52 Dino Rising Red Team - Mad Mansion (Bilbao)
69 Whitechapel: La historia de Charlotte - Whitechapel (Barcelona)
71 The Diamond of Souls - Inmortal Room (Barcelona)
78 Until Dawn - La Clau (Manresa)
81 Alien: The Origin - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet)
82 Entrenched - Conecta Escape / Experiencity (Cerdanyola del Valles / Madrid)
85 Real Estate - Insidious (Nalda)
86 Artificial - Open Mind Room Escape (Barcelona)
95 Dino Rising Blue Team - Mad Mansion (Bilbao)
97 The Doctor's Cocktail - Insomnia Corporation (Berga)
101 Yucatan: The Last Temple - Coco Room (Alicante / Compostela / Zaragoza)
104 Heirloom - Exitus (Palafolls)
106 The Legend: The Temple of Chaak - Mad Mansion (Santurtzi)
107 Yellow Experience - Experiencity (Madrid)
108 Hotel Hello - Way Out (Spain) (Pamplona)
113 Roomanji - Ilusium (Mataró)
121 The Railway Station - Xkapa (Santander)
122 The Narcos - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitalet de Llobregat)
126 Apophis - Vortex Escape (Terrassa)
128 Catalepsy - Horror Box (Barcelona)
141 Catacombs - Golden Pop (Barcelona)
145 Abduction 4: Enterprises - Abduction (Badalona)
165 Castaway - Password Room Escape (Vitoria)
181 Frankenstein's Girlfriend - Yurmuvi (Gijón)
206 Kidnapped in Barcelona - Kidnapped in BCN (Barcelona)
214 The Interview - Cubick (Madrid / Mataró / Menorca / Valencia)
223 Futura - Futura (Barcelona)
224 Below Zero - Escapem (Sabadell)
225 The Hour of the Beasts - Katharsis (Mataró)
244 School of Magic - Yurmuvi (Gijón)
250 Ulysses Spaceship - Maximum Escape (Barcelona)
251 Operation Steampunk - Incognito Escape Game (Madrid)
258 Ouija - Horror Box (Barcelona)
259 Barum Dum - Cinema Escape (Barcelona)
273 Vault 27 - Maximum Escape (Barcelona)
1 finalists, 1 in the top 50
10 Going Underground - Crime Runners (Vienna)
14 finalists, 6 in the top 50
14 Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor - The Room(Berlin)
17 The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt - The Room (Berlin)
19 Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman - Skurrilum (Hamburg)
32 Neptune's Curse - Hidden in Hamburg (Hamburg)
36 The Alley - Rätselraum Ruhrpott (Bochum)
40 Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death - Skurrilum (Hamburg)
96 Panzerknacker - The Art of Stealing - Limbus Escape Center (Krefeld)
130 The Secret Elixir - Hidden in Braunschweig (Braunschweig)
135 The Poltergeist - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf)
168 The Search for the Scepter of Light - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf)
176 Geldrausch - 66 Minuten (Neuwied)
264 Beast of Berlin - The Room (Berlin)
269 Go West - The Room (Berlin)
272 The Executioner - House of Tales (Berlin)
1 finalists, 1 in the top 50
16 Interview - Affect Laboratories (Tallinn)
1 finalists, 1 in the top 50
18 An Avalanche of Oblivion - Claustrophobia (Escaldes-Engordany)
3 finalists, 1 in the top 50
22 The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus - De Gouden Kooi (Mechelen)
188 The White House, Secrets of the Culper Ring - Escape Rush (Brussels)
236 Submarine Bunker - Escape Rush (Brussels)
2 finalists, 2 in the top 50
26 Insane Paranoid - Quest-Art (Moscow)
50 GhostHunters - Claustrophobia (Moscow)

Czech Republic
3 finalists, 1 in the top 50
39 Haunted House 2: Poltergeist - The Chamber (Prague)
102 Galactic Pioneers - MindMaze (Prague)
119 Haunted House - The Chamber (Prague)
28 finalists, 1 in the top 50
43 Asylum - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
60 Operation: Metro - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz)
65 In the Shadow of the Pyramids - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw)
67 Location - TickTack (Gliwice)
72 The Yellow Sign - Action Escape (Poznań)
99 Superheroom - Mr Lock (Bydgoszcz)
114 King Arthur's Dungeons - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
124 Cursed Island - Escape Project (Warsaw)
134 Moriarty Ltd - Quest Cage (Katowice)
137 Freakshow - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz)
162 Cabinet of Curiosities - Dom Tajemnic (Częstochowa)
163 Nautilus: The Underwater Adventure - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw)
171 The Legend of the Sword - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw)
175 Queen of the Vampires - Dom Tajemnic (Częstochowa)
180 Midnight Killer MK II - Piwnica Quest (Wrocław)
184 Gates of Time - Tortuga - TickTack (Gliwice)
185 The Mystery of Nile's Emperor - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz)
186 Betrayal in Breslau - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
191 City Tunnels - Quest Cage (Katowice)
197 Ultimatum: Live or Die.. Make Your Choice - House Escape (Warsaw)
204 Insanity - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz)
213 Temple of Doom - Open The Lock (Gliwice)
230 Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
234 Volcano in Madagascar - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
235 Vampire - Exodus (Poznań)
257 Nazi Gold - Black Cat Escape Room (Warsaw)
260 University of Magic: Dragon's Heart - Lucardo (Rawtenstall)
262 Necromancer - Ritual of Death - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
15 finalists, 1 in the top 50
47 The Dreamwalkers - Cabinet Mysteriis (Québec City, QC)
56 Below Zero - Crypto Escape Rooms (New Market, ON)
58 The Grand Immersia Hotel - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC)
94 Wrath of Poseidon - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC)
83 The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen - Escaparium (Laval, QC)
88 The Night of the Wolf and the Serpent - Codex Escape Games (Laval, QC)
90 The Reflection of Madness - Codex Escape Games (Laval, QC)
123 The Lab: Lockdown - Revo Escape (Toronto, ON)
127 Circus of the Lost Souls - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC)
155 Salutem Medicina Institute - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC)
156 The Wizard Four and the Book of Black Arts - Escaparium (Montreal, QC)
194 The Legend of the Three Dragons - Escaparium (Sherbrooke, QC)
199 The Grand Wilshire Hotel - The Imaginarium (Toronto, ON)
205 King of the Bootleggers - Secret City Adventures (Toronto, ON)
220 Dream Weekend - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC)
7 finalists, 1 in the top 50
45 The Intervention - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion)
68 Cube - The Maze (Petah Tikva)
74 The Vikings - Escape Sign (Petah Tikva)
84 The Sting - The Maze (Petah Tikva)
89 Hollywood 117 - Hype Esc (Tel Aviv)
92 Prophecy - My Real Quest (Nesher)
98 Pirates' Robbers - Escape Life / Exit Room Israel (Ashdod)
5 finalists, 1 in the top 50
46 The Secret Of Kryptos - Myst Entertainment (Sofia)
61 Atlantis - Teorema Escape Rooms (Sofia)
110 BlueLab - Endorphin Games (Sofia)
129 SawRoom: The Revenge - SawRoom (Sofia)
240 Al Capone's Secret Bar - 3KEY Rooms (Sofia)

United Kingdom
26 finalists, 0 in the top 50
109 Loot the Lanes - Pier Pressure (Brighton)
120 Daylight Robbery - Cryptology (Nottingham)
125 cQ ORIGENES - clueQuest (London)
142 Nethercott Manor - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley)
154 Viking - Extremescape (Disley)
159 Escape the R.M.S. Titanic - Houdini's Escape Room Experience (Southampton)
161 Curio - Escapologic (Nottingham)
169 Extinct - Escape from Jurassic Island - Houdini's Escape Room Experience (Southampton)
170 Pudding Lane 1666 - TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading)
195 Project Ðelta - Archimedes Inspiration (London)
198 Age of Magic - Escape Reading (Reading)
212 The Secret Lab - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
219 The Pit - The Escapement (Margate)
222 Henry Fortune's House of Illusion - Escape Quest (Macclesfield)
228 The Cutting Room - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
237 The Comms Room - Escape in the Towers (Canterbury)
238 Dodge City - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley)
245 The Battle for Britain - Escape Plan (London)
246 Mutiny - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley)
247 Sub Terra - Co-Decode (Swindon)
252 Pirates of Polaris - The Escapement (Margate)
253 Poppa Plock's Wonky Workshop - Handmade Mysteries (London)
267 The Time Machine - Deadlocked Escape Rooms (Reading)
268 Revenge of the Sheep - clueQuest (London
270 Detention - Ctrl Alt Esc (Margate)
274 The Crystal Maze - The Crystal Maze (London)
4 finalists, 0 in the top 50
200 Secret Subway - E-Exit (Budapest)
255 Santa Muerte - E-Exit (Budapest)
271 Pirate Cave - Pirate Cave Escape Room (Budapest)
277 White Mission - Gozsdu Mission (Budapest)
1 finalists, 0 in the top 50
116 Race against Time - Insight Out (Vilnius)

1 finalists, 0 in the top 50
202 Escape from The Red Room - SCRAP (Tokyo)
Online Rooms

1 Pursuit of the Assassin Artist - Omescape(San Jose, CA, USA)
2 Miss Jezebel Online - 60 out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
3 Virtual Exorcist - Emergeny Exit (Ashton-under-Lyne, UK)
4 The Beast - Emergency Exit (Ashton-under-Lyne, UK)
5 The Vanishing Act Remote - Locurio (Seattle USA) (Seattle, WA, USA)
6 The Truth About Edith - Mad Genius Escapes (Portland USA)
7 Agent Venture Mission Three: B.A.D Side of the Moon - The Adventure Is Real (London, UK)
8 Condemned 2 Online - NorCal Escape Co. (Yuba City, USA)
9 Project Avatar: First Mission - Project Avatar Online (Lviv, Ukraine)
10 Virtual X-Caper - Agent November (London, UK)
11 Evil Dead 2: Official Remote Escape - Hourglass Escapes (Seattle, WA, USA)
12 Ruins: Forbidden Treasure - The Escape Game (Nashville, TN, USA)
13 Villains - Fuzzy Logic Escape Room (Downers Grove, IL, USA)
14 Horror Hotel: Online - Exit Now (Athens, Greece)
15 Agent Venture Mission One: The Heist - The Adventure Is Real (London, UK)
16 The Amsterdam Catacombs Online - Logic Locks (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
17 Super Squad - Trapped Puzzle Rooms (St. Paul, MN, USA)
18 Agent Venture Mission Two: Cyborg Island - The Adventure Is Real (London, UK)
19 Seven Dwarves: Mining Mission - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada)
20 Before Moonrise - Escape New Haven / Escape.Anywhere (New Haven, CT, USA)
21 Excalibur - Livestream - MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta, CA, USA)
22 Neverland: Heist on the High Seas - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada)
23 The Witch's Forest - Daydream (Toronto, ON, Canada)
24 DTF: Drag Task Force - Mystery Mansion Regina (Regina, SK, Canada)
25 The Diamond Heist Online - The Box (France) (Metz, France)
Congratulations to all. Hope to travel fast again to ge t locked in to break out


Hier soir (19 décembre 2020) était un moment un peu spécial pour les fans d’escape games surtout après une année pendant laquelle beaucoup d’enseignes  ont souffert à cause de différents confinements locaux. Mais les créateurs ont su innover et nous surprendre encore et encore. C’est ainsi qu’une nouvelle catégorie avec 25 nominés a fait son apparition dans ce projet incroyable qu’est le TERPECA. Nous vous en avons déjà parlé lors d’un précédent article, qui a comme but de déterminer les meilleures salles du monde.

En ce qui me concerne je me suis connecté sur un zoom avec des amis joueurs de 8 pays différents pour partager notre surprise, nous réconforter dans notre avis, mais surtout pour partager notre passion des escapes games. Les discussions se sont prolongées jusqu’à 2 heures du matin. 

Donc hier soir Rich Bragg et Errol Elumir ont présenté les gagnants durant un live de presque 2 heures sur YouTube. Pour ceux qui veulent voir à quoi ça ressemble:

Cliquez ici


Pour qui?

Je vais le dire clairement: le TERPECA sera critiqué par un certain nombre de personnes, comme tout aujourd’hui finalement, car rien n’est parfait. Un principal "souci" est la condition que les salles soient jouables en anglais, le but étant de pouvoir être jouable par un maximum de personnes. Donc si vous cherchez la meilleure salle d’un pays dont vous parlez la langue allez voir sur les différents prix décernés par les pays et consultez les blogs, groupe Facebook, joueurs du pays en question. 

Si vous aimez voyager et que vous cherchez des salles à faire ou encore mieux planifier des voyages pour des escapes le TERPECA est le guide idéal de l’accro des escapes.

Le TERPECA cette année (3e édition) c’est 186 nominateurs qui ont nommé un total de 698 salles. Les 281 salles ayant récolté le plus de votes sont passées dans la seconde phase. C’est là que 596 personnes ayant toutes joué au moins 50 salles ont élu les vainqueurs.

Vous l’aurez compris, j’aime beaucoup ce projet que je trouve très intéressant. Je ne peux que vous conseiller de faire un tour sur leur page et vous mettre comme nous à rêver aux futures salles que nous voudrons jouer!

Je vais tout de même essayer de vous faire un résumé:

Le top 50 des meilleures salles :




The Dome

Escape room Netherlands




Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore

Paradox Project




The man from beyond

Strange bird immersive




El Exorcista

No Exit




The Sanatorium





Aunt Hilda's Room

Trip Trap




Cutthroat Cavern

13th Gate Escape

Baton rouge



Dragonborn: The innkeeper’s son

Mad Mansion




La case [The house]

Insomnia Corporation




Going Underground

Crime Runners




La cerveceria [The brewery]





Paradox Project 3: The music academy

Paradox Project




The end





Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor

The Room




The Edison Escape Room

Palace Games

San Francisco



Töövestlus [interview]

Affect Laboratories




The lost treasure of Alexander Humboldt

The Room




An avalanche of oblivion

Claustrophobia Andorra




Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the wailing Woman





The storyteller's secret





Lab rat

Hatch Escapes

Los Angeles



The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus

De Gouden Kooi




Over time: 101 years of forgiveness

Mad Mansion




Over time: call or die

Mad Mansion




Elkano Escape room





Insane Paranoid





The Mystery of scum Island

Mad mansion




Ghost Patrol

Trivium Games




Abduction3 : The Exam





The Amsterdam catacombs

Logic Locks




Tomb Hunter : Akasha's Legend

Escape Barcelona

Santa Coloma de Gramenet



Neptune's curse

Hidden Games




Wake up

Station 33




Don't take a breath





Woman in black

Coven Escape Rooms




The Alley

Rätselraum Ruhrpott




The Storykeeper





Expedicion Maldita [Cursed Expedition]

Mythos Escape Room




Haunted House2 : Poltergeist

The chamber


Czech Republic


Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the zoo of death





Stash House

Stash House

Los Angeles



Jungle Quest

Escape Dimension




Obled [Asylum]





La mina [The mine]

Unreal Room Escape

Hospitalet de Llobregat / Irum



The intervention

Escape Center

Rishon Lezion



The secret of Kryptos

Myst Entertainment




Marcheurs de rêves [The dreamwalkers]

Cabinet Mysteriis

Quebec City








Mystery on Lived Street

Escape Dimension





Claustrophobia Moscow





Le top 10 des salles en visio:


1. Pursuit of the Assassin Artist Omescape San Jose USA
2. Miss Jezebel Online 60 Out Escape Rooms Los Angeles USA
3. Virtual Exorcist Emergency Exit Ashton-Under-Lyne UK
4. The Beast Emergency Exit Ashton-Under Lyne UK
5. The Vanishing Act Remote Locurio Seattle USA
6. The truth about Edith Mad Genius Escapes Portland USA
7. Agent Venture Mission Three: B.A.D. side of the moon The adventure is real London USA
8. Condemned 2 Online Norcal Escape Co Yuba City USA
9. Project Avatar: First Mission Legendary Escape Lviv Ukraine
10 Virtual X-Caper Agent November London UK
Les 25 meilleures enseignes mondiales:


1. Mad Mansion   Spain
  • DragonBorn: The Innkeeper's Son (2020 Top Room #8)
  • Over Time: 101 Years of Forgiveness (2020 Top Room #23)
  • Over Time: Call or Die (2020 Top Room #24)
  • The Mystery of Scum Island (2020 Top Room #27)
  • Dino Rising Blue Team (2020 Finalist)
  • Dino Rising Red Team (2020 Finalist)
  • The Legend: The Temple of Chaak (2020 Finalist)
  • Assassins vs Templars
  • Castlemaniac
  • The House of Madness
  • Mansion Crowell
  • Silent Town
  • T-Virus Apocalyse
2. The Room Berlin Germany
  • Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor (2020 Top Room #14)
  • The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt (2020 Top Room #17)
  • Go West (2020 Finalist)
  • The Beast of Berlin (2020 Finalist)
3. Paradox Project Athens Greece
  • Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore (2020 Top Room #2)
  • Paradox Project 3: The Music Academy (2020 Top Room #12)
  • Paradox Project: The Mansion (2020 Finalist)
4. Skurrilum Hamburg Germany
  • Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman (2020 Top Room #19)
  • Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death (2020 Top Room #40)
  • Guschi's Seedy Cellar (2018 Nominee)
  • Malvini's Legacy
  • The Phantom Island
5. Claustrophobia  







  • An Avalanche of Oblivion (Andorra) (2020 Top Room #18)
  • GhostHunters (Russia) (2020 Top Room #50)
  • Cinema of Despair (Andorra) (2020 Nominee)
  • Gulliver and the Giants (Spain) (2020 Nominee)
  • Home Video (Russia) (2020 Nominee)
  • Philosopher’s Stone (Spain) (2020 Nominee)
  • Alice in Nightmareland (Russia) (2018 Top Room #22)
  • Gravity (Estonia) (2019 Nominee)
  • Houdini's Escape (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • Iron Man (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • Rise of the Machines (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • Saw (Russia) (2018 Nominee)
  • et plein plein plein d’autres
6. Escape Dimension Perpigan France
  • Jungle Quest (2020 Top Room #42)
  • Mystère à Lived Street (2020 Top Room #49)
  • Morgana’s Curse
7. Wyjscie Awaryjne Bydgoszcz Poland
  • In the Shadow of the Pyramids (2020 Finalist)
  • Nautilus: The Underwater Adventure (2020 Finalist)
  • Operation: Metro (2020 Finalist)
  • The Legend of the Sword (2020 Finalist)
  • The Mystery of Nile’s Emperor (2020 Finalist)
  • Cell No. 4
  • Plan for Break
  • Treasury
8. 13th Gate Escape Baton Rouge USA
  • Cutthroat Cavern (2020 Top Room #7)
  • The Asylum (2020 Finalist)
  • Tomb of Anubis (2020 Finalist)
  • Agent 13 (2020 Nominee)
  • Spellbound (2020 Nominee)
  • The Collector (2020 Nominee)
  • Death Row
  • Hijacked
9. Palace Games San  
  • The Edison Escape Room (2020 Top Room #15)
  • The Roosevelt Escape Room (2020 Finalist)
  • The Great Houdini Escape Room (2020 Finalist)
  • Escape the Palace
  • Palace of Destiny
  • The Ruby Palace
  • The Sapphire Palace
Francisco FRancisco
10. Locurio Seattle USA
  • The Storykeeper (2020 Top Room #37)
  • The Vanishing Act Remote (2020 Top Online Room #5)
  • The Vanishing Act (2020 Finalist)
  • The Mysteries of Noximillian
  • The Falswift Objective
11. No Exit    
  • El Exorcista (2020 Top Room #4)
  • Death Row (2020 Finalist)
  • Route 666
  • The Mansion
12. Insomnia Corperation Berga Spain
  • The House [La Casa] (2020 Top Room #9)
  • The Doctor's Cocktail (2020 Finalist)
  • Xperiment (2020 Nominee)
  • Camping (2019 Finalist)
13. Escape Barcelona Santa Coloma de Gramenet Spain
  • Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend (2020 Top Room #31)
  • Alien: Origin (2020  Finalist)
  • Cybercity 2049
  • Jurassic Land
  • Pharaoh's Curse
  • The Lost Temple
14. The Maze Petah Tikva Israel
  • Cube (2020 Finalist)
  • The Sting (2020 Finalist)
  • Action! (2020 Nominee)
15. Omescape   Canada /USA
  • Pursuit of the Assassin Artist (2020 Top Online Room #1)
  • Chaos in the Galleria (2020 Finalist)
  • Joker's Asylum (2020 Nominee)
  • Nyctophobia: Fear of the Dark (2020 Nominee)
  • Kingdom of Cats
  • Forsaken Temple
  • Kingdom of Cat-tastrophy
  • Pandemic Zero
  • Sorcerer's Sanctum
  • et plus
16. Codex Escape Games Laval Canada
  • The Night of the Wolf and the Serpent (2020 Finalist)
  • The Reflection of Madness (2020 Finalist)
  • Spaceship Graveyard (2020 Nominee)
17. Emergency Exit Ashton-under-Lyne UK
  • Virtual Exorcist (2020 Top Online Room #3)
  • The Beast (2020 Top Online Room #4)
  • Conjure
  • Exorcist
  • Poltergeist
18. Exit19.pl Wroclaw Poland
  • Asylum [Obłęd] (2020 Top Room #43)
  • Betrayal in Breslau (2020 Finalist)
  • King Arthur's Dungeons (2020 Finalist)
  • Necromancer - Ritual of Death (2020 Finalist)
  • Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo (2020 Finalist)
  • Volcano in Madagascar (2020 Finalist)
  • Murder at the Office (2020 Nominee)
  • Prison Escape (2020 Nominee)
  • et plus
19. The Escape Game   USA
  • Playground (2020 Finalist)
  • Prison Break (2020 Finalist)
  • Ruins: Forbidden Treasure Remote (2020 Finalist)
  • Special Ops: Mysterious Market (2020 Finalist)
  • Gold Rush (2020 Nominee)
  • Mission: Mars (2020 Nominee)
  • Ruins: Forbidden Treasure (2020 Nominee)
  • Classified
  • The Heist
  • Nashville
  • White Noise
20. Darkpark   Netherlands
  • The End (2020 Top Room #13)
  • The Honeymoon Hotel (2020 Finalist)
  • The Orphanage (2020 Finalist)
  • The Freakshow (2020 Nominee)
  • The Dentist
  • Conspiracy 19
  • Witchery Spell
  • Dear Santa
21. Immersia Escape Games   Canada
  • Circus of Lost Souls (2020 Finalist)
  • Salutem Medicina Institute (2020 Finalist)
  • The Grand Immersia Hotel (2020 Finalist)
  • Warp Inc. (2020 Nominee)
  • The Forgotten Station
  • The Piccadilly Cabaret
  • Weekend at the Shack
22. The Adventure is real London UK
  • Agent Venture Mission 3: B.A.D Side of the Moon (2020 Top Online Room #7)
  • Agent Venture Mission 1: The Heist (2020 Finalist)
  • Agent Venture Mission 2: Cyborg Island (2020 Finalist)
23. Escaparium   Canada
  • The Legend of the Three Dragons (2020 Finalist)
  • The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen (2020 Finalist)
  • The Wizard Four and the Book of Black Arts (2020 Finalist)
  • The Final Stop (2020 Nominee)
  • The Wizard Four and the Rise of Lord Thulsa (2020 Nominee)
  • Tyranno Industries (2020 Nominee)
  • et beaucoup d’autres
24. The Basement   USA
  • The Courtyard (2020 Finalist)
  • The Elevator Shaft (2020 Finalist)
  • The Study (2020 Finalist)
  • The Basement (2020 Nominee)
  • Humana Festum
  • My Name Is Jamie
25. Tulleys Escape Romms Crawley UK  

Par Pays:


Pour la France:

16 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 2 parmi le top 50

42 Jungle Quest - Escape Dimension (Perpignan)
49 Mystery on Lived Street - Escape Dimension (Perpignan)
53 Réglement de compte - Pandore & Associés (Paris)
64 La lettre d’Einstein - Le Passage (Bordeaux)
70 L’abattoir - One Hour (Paris)
93 Le Live Thriller - Borderlive Concepts (Paris)
144 Revolt at Lock Academy - Lock Academy (Paris)
172 La Pièce Odyssey - La Pièce (Paris)
173 L’avion - The Game (Paris)
182 Celestia - L’Atelier des Énigmes (Annecy)
189 Sur les traces des gardiens - Projet Dédale (Toulouse)
217 L’affaire Blackwood - Wake Up (Lyon)
218 L.A. Confidential - Lock Academy (Paris)
226 Le métro - The Game (Paris)
233 Cannibal Island - Quest Factory (Paris)
263 Lost Asylum - One Hour (Paris)
Et il y avait aussi une salle nommé pour les escapes en ligne:
25 Le casse du siècle - The Box (Metz)
Les Pays Bas:
14 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 3 parmi le top 50
1 The Dome - Escape Room Netherlands (Bunschoten)
13 The End - DarkPark (Zoetermeer)
30 The Amsterdam Catacombs - Logic Locks (Amsterdam
55 Room 237 - Kamer 237 (Volkel)
87 Catch Me If You Can - Next Level (Eindhoven)
91 Bella Ciao - Escape Game Katwijk (Katwijk)
118 The Execution - The Escape Room Rijswijk (Rijswijk)
131 The Orphanage - DarkPark (Zoetermeer)
158 The Honeymoon Hotel - DarkPark (Zoetermeer)
166 Escape from Wonderland - Escape from Wonderland (Leiden)
183 The Vault - Sherlocked Netherlands (Amsterdam)
196 The Girl's Room - Escape Room Nederland (Bunschoten)
227 Flight 815 - Down the Hatch (Voorburg)
266 Judgment Day - My Escape Club (Amsterdam)
La Grèce:
30 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 7 parmi le top 50
2  Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore -  Paradox Project (Athens)
4  El Exorcista - No Exit (Athens)
5  The Sanatorium (Midnight Mode) - Lockhill (Athens
12  Paradox Project 3: The Music Academy - Paradox Project (Athens)
NR The Sanatorium (Night Mode) - Lockhill (Athens)
33  Wake Up - Station 33 (Athens)
34  Don't Take a Breath - Verone (Acharnes)
35  Woman in Black - Coven Escape Rooms (Athens)
54 Act II: The Litchver Woodland - Dark Escape Rooms (Athens)
57 Death Row - No Exit (Athens)
66 Requiem - Mystery Lab (Athens)
103 Paradox Project: The Mansion - Paradox Project (Athens)
NR The Sanatorium (Day Mode) - Lockhill (Athens)
111 The Creepy Store and the Lost Souls - Escapepolis (Athens)
112 Cosmos 05: Death in Space - Escapepolis (Athens)
149 The Emperor's Masterchef is Dead - Mister.E (Athens)
151 Room 201: Immortal - Escaped (Athens)
152 Escape the Car - Killer - Lockbusters (Greece) (Athens)
177 Experimentum X - Trapped (Greece) (Athens)
179 The Order Of Light - Brain Cells (Athens)
187 Room 107: Otherside - Escaped (Athens)
192 The Dark Side of Elements - Exit Plan (Athens)
201 Red Riding Hood - The Mind Hunters (Athens)
203 Swamp Of Sorrows: Death And Despair - Room 54 (Athens)
210 Mrs. Rose's House - The Darkwood Village (Athens)
216 Rebellion - Clock Escape Rooms (Athens)
241 Katharsis - Caves of Banjul - No Escape (Athens)
265 The Cursed Willy - Sherlocked Homes (Athens)
275 Another Dimension - Esc Rooms (Athens)
278 The Lockwood Manor - Lockhill (Athens)
Les Etats Unis:
52 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 8 parmi le top 50
3  The Man from Beyond - Strange Bird Immersive (Houston, TX)
7  Cutthroat Cavern - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA)
15  The Edison Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA)
20  The Storyteller's Secret - Boxaroo (Boston, MA)
21  Lab Rat - Hatch Escapes (Los Angeles, CA)
28  Ghost Patrol - Trivium Games (Emeryville, CA)
37  The Storykeeper - Locurio (Seattle, WA)
41  Stash House - Stash House (Los Angeles, CA)
59 Plight of the Margo 1 & 2 - ConTRAPtions Escape Rooms (Fort Collins, CO)
63 Captain Spoopy Bones and the Magnificent Quest For Some Other Pirate's Treasure - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL)
73 The Last Defender - The House Theatre of Chicago / Denver Center for Performing Arts (several cities)
75 The Grand Parlor - 13th Hour Escape Rooms (Wharton, NJ)
76 The Ghost of Mentryville - Arcane Escape Rooms (Santa Clarita, CA)
77 Tomb of Anubis - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA)
79 The Observatory - The Gate Escape (Leominster, MA)
80 Chaos in the Galleria - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA)
100 The Roosevelt Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA)
105 The Asylum - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA)
117 Inventor's Attic - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA)
133 The Hex Room - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA)
136 Utopia - Riddle Room (United States) (Minneapolis, MN)
138 The Vanishing Act - Locurio (Seattle, WA)
139 A Knight to Escape - Escape Effect (Orlando, FL)
140 8-Bit Escape - Escape Room Herndon (Herndon, VA)
146 The Courtyard - The Basement (Sylmar, CA)
147 Zoe - Escapade Games (Fullerton, CA)
148 The Great Houdini Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA)
150 Time Chasers: Race for the Cure - trap't Escape Room Adventures (Stamford, CT)
153 Strange Magic - Mind Masters Challenge Chambers (Clermont, FL)
157 Over The Falls - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY)
160 Playground - The Escape Game (several cities)
164 Bonus Fun Time Game Show Challenge - Escape Factor (Forest Park, IL)
167 The Secret at Whitmore Estate - Breaking Point Escape Rooms (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
174 Murder Co - Black Market Escape Rooms (Upland, CA)
178 The Whispering Halls - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA)
190 Super Bomb Squad: Commandos Awesome - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL)
193 The Elevator Shaft - The Basement (Sylmar, CA)
207 Beat the Bomb Mission 01: Cyberbot - Beat the Bomb (Brooklyn, NY)
208 The Heist - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA)
209 Paradox: The Incredible Time Machine - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO)
211 The Skull Witch - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA)
215 Ruins of the Mystic Temple - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO)
221 Boda Borg - Boda Borg (Boston, MA)
229 Chapter 2: Playtime - Lost Games (Las Vegas, NV)
232 The Study - The Basement (several cities)
239 Special Ops: Mysterious Market - The Escape Game (several cities)
242 The U-Boat - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA)
243 Smugglers Den - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA)
248 It's a Doggy Dog World - Level Games / ESCapades LA (North Hollywood, CA)
249 Red Giant - Quest Room (Los Angeles, CA)
256 Magic Kingdom - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA)
276 The Psych Ward - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA)
261 The Clock Tower - Escape The Room (several cities)
La Suisse
7 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 2 parmi le top 50
Aunt Hilda's Room - Trip Trap (Genève)
48  Kontinuum - AdventureRooms Technorama (Winterthur)
62 The Pirates of the Blacktrap - Trapgame (Charrat)
115 An Evening with the Voodoo Queen - Trip Trap (Geneva)
132 Spektrum - AdventureRooms (Wintherthur)
143 The Forbidden City 1901 - Time Maze (Baden)
254 The Ticking Heart (Part 1) - Inside Breakout (Zug)
47 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 11 parmi le top 50
8  DragonBorn: The Innkeeper's Son - Mad Mansion (Vitoria)
9  The House - Insomnia Corporation (Berga)
11  The Brewery - Enigmik (Barcelona)
23  Over Time: 101 Years of Forgiveness - Mad Mansion (Pamplona)
24  Over Time: Call or Die - Mad Mansion (Pamplona)
25  Elkano Escape Room - Experientziak (Getaria)
27  The Mystery of Scum Island - Mad Mansion (Toledo)
29  Abduction 3: The Exam - Abduction (Badalona)
31  Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet)
38  Cursed Expedition - Mythos Escape Room (Murcia)
44  The Mine - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitlet de Llobregat/ Irun)
51 Quintana Mine / The Mine Diavik - Mina Madrid / Unreal Room Escape (Madrid)
52 Dino Rising Red Team - Mad Mansion (Bilbao)
69 Whitechapel: La historia de Charlotte - Whitechapel (Barcelona)
71 The Diamond of Souls - Inmortal Room (Barcelona)
78 Until Dawn - La Clau (Manresa)
81 Alien: The Origin - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet)
82 Entrenched - Conecta Escape / Experiencity (Cerdanyola del Valles / Madrid)
85 Real Estate - Insidious (Nalda)
86 Artificial - Open Mind Room Escape (Barcelona)
95 Dino Rising Blue Team - Mad Mansion (Bilbao)
97 The Doctor's Cocktail - Insomnia Corporation (Berga)
101 Yucatan: The Last Temple - Coco Room (Alicante / Compostela / Zaragoza)
104 Heirloom - Exitus (Palafolls)
106 The Legend: The Temple of Chaak - Mad Mansion (Santurtzi)
107 Yellow Experience - Experiencity (Madrid)
108 Hotel Hello - Way Out (Spain) (Pamplona)
113 Roomanji - Ilusium (Mataró)
121 The Railway Station - Xkapa (Santander)
122 The Narcos - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitalet de Llobregat)
126 Apophis - Vortex Escape (Terrassa)
128 Catalepsy - Horror Box (Barcelona)
141 Catacombs - Golden Pop (Barcelona)
145 Abduction 4: Enterprises - Abduction (Badalona)
165 Castaway - Password Room Escape (Vitoria)
181 Frankenstein's Girlfriend - Yurmuvi (Gijón)
206 Kidnapped in Barcelona - Kidnapped in BCN (Barcelona)
214 The Interview - Cubick (Madrid / Mataró / Menorca / Valencia)
223 Futura - Futura (Barcelona)
224 Below Zero - Escapem (Sabadell)
225 The Hour of the Beasts - Katharsis (Mataró)
244 School of Magic - Yurmuvi (Gijón)
250 Ulysses Spaceship - Maximum Escape (Barcelona)
251 Operation Steampunk - Incognito Escape Game (Madrid)
258 Ouija - Horror Box (Barcelona)
259 Barum Dum - Cinema Escape (Barcelona)
273 Vault 27 - Maximum Escape (Barcelona)
1 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
10 Going Underground - Crime Runners (Vienna)
14 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 6 parmi le top 50
14 Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor - The Room(Berlin)
17 The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt - The Room (Berlin)
19 Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman - Skurrilum (Hamburg)
32 Neptune's Curse - Hidden in Hamburg (Hamburg)
36 The Alley - Rätselraum Ruhrpott (Bochum)
40 Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death - Skurrilum (Hamburg)
96 Panzerknacker - The Art of Stealing - Limbus Escape Center (Krefeld)
130 The Secret Elixir - Hidden in Braunschweig (Braunschweig)
135 The Poltergeist - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf)
168 The Search for the Scepter of Light - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf)
176 Geldrausch - 66 Minuten (Neuwied)
264 Beast of Berlin - The Room (Berlin)
269 Go West - The Room (Berlin)
272 The Executioner - House of Tales (Berlin)
1 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
16 Interview - Affect Laboratories (Tallinn)
1 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
18 An Avalanche of Oblivion - Claustrophobia (Escaldes-Engordany)
3 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
22 The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus - De Gouden Kooi (Mechelen)
188 The White House, Secrets of the Culper Ring - Escape Rush (Brussels)
236 Submarine Bunker - Escape Rush (Brussels)
2 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 2 parmi le top 50
26 Insane Paranoid - Quest-Art (Moscow)
50 GhostHunters - Claustrophobia (Moscow)
République tchéque
3 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
39 Haunted House 2: Poltergeist - The Chamber (Prague)
102 Galactic Pioneers - MindMaze (Prague)
119 Haunted House - The Chamber (Prague)
28 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
43 Asylum - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
60 Operation: Metro - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz)
65 In the Shadow of the Pyramids - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw)
67 Location - TickTack (Gliwice)
72 The Yellow Sign - Action Escape (Poznań)
99 Superheroom - Mr Lock (Bydgoszcz)
114 King Arthur's Dungeons - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
124 Cursed Island - Escape Project (Warsaw)
134 Moriarty Ltd - Quest Cage (Katowice)
137 Freakshow - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz)
162 Cabinet of Curiosities - Dom Tajemnic (Częstochowa)
163 Nautilus: The Underwater Adventure - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw)
171 The Legend of the Sword - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw)
175 Queen of the Vampires - Dom Tajemnic (Częstochowa)
180 Midnight Killer MK II - Piwnica Quest (Wrocław)
184 Gates of Time - Tortuga - TickTack (Gliwice)
185 The Mystery of Nile's Emperor - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz)
186 Betrayal in Breslau - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
191 City Tunnels - Quest Cage (Katowice)
197 Ultimatum: Live or Die.. Make Your Choice - House Escape (Warsaw)
204 Insanity - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz)
213 Temple of Doom - Open The Lock (Gliwice)
230 Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
234 Volcano in Madagascar - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
235 Vampire - Exodus (Poznań)
257 Nazi Gold - Black Cat Escape Room (Warsaw)
260 University of Magic: Dragon's Heart - Lucardo (Rawtenstall)
262 Necromancer - Ritual of Death - Exit19.pl (Wrocław)
15 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
47 The Dreamwalkers - Cabinet Mysteriis (Québec City, QC)
56 Below Zero - Crypto Escape Rooms (New Market, ON)
58 The Grand Immersia Hotel - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC)
94 Wrath of Poseidon - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC)
83 The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen - Escaparium (Laval, QC)
88 The Night of the Wolf and the Serpent - Codex Escape Games (Laval, QC)
90 The Reflection of Madness - Codex Escape Games (Laval, QC)
123 The Lab: Lockdown - Revo Escape (Toronto, ON)
127 Circus of the Lost Souls - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC)
155 Salutem Medicina Institute - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC)
156 The Wizard Four and the Book of Black Arts - Escaparium (Montreal, QC)
194 The Legend of the Three Dragons - Escaparium (Sherbrooke, QC)
199 The Grand Wilshire Hotel - The Imaginarium (Toronto, ON)
205 King of the Bootleggers - Secret City Adventures (Toronto, ON)
220 Dream Weekend - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC)
7 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
45 The Intervention - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion)
68 Cube - The Maze (Petah Tikva)
74 The Vikings - Escape Sign (Petah Tikva)
84 The Sting - The Maze (Petah Tikva)
89 Hollywood 117 - Hype Esc (Tel Aviv)
92 Prophecy - My Real Quest (Nesher)
98 Pirates' Robbers - Escape Life / Exit Room Israel (Ashdod)
5 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 1 parmi le top 50
46 The Secret Of Kryptos - Myst Entertainment (Sofia)
61 Atlantis - Teorema Escape Rooms (Sofia)
110 BlueLab - Endorphin Games (Sofia)
129 SawRoom: The Revenge - SawRoom (Sofia)
240 Al Capone's Secret Bar - 3KEY Rooms (Sofia)

Royaume Uni
26 salles parmi les finalistes, dont 0 parmi le top 50
109 Loot the Lanes - Pier Pressure (Brighton)
120 Daylight Robbery - Cryptology (Nottingham)
125 cQ ORIGENES - clueQuest (London)
142 Nethercott Manor - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley)
154 Viking - Extremescape (Disley)
159 Escape the R.M.S. Titanic - Houdini's Escape Room Experience (Southampton)
161 Curio - Escapologic (Nottingham)
169 Extinct - Escape from Jurassic Island - Houdini's Escape Room Experience (Southampton)
170 Pudding Lane 1666 - TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading)
195 Project Ðelta - Archimedes Inspiration (London)
198 Age of Magic - Escape Reading (Reading)
212 The Secret Lab - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
219 The Pit - The Escapement (Margate)
222 Henry Fortune's House of Illusion - Escape Quest (Macclesfield)
228 The Cutting Room - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh)
237 The Comms Room - Escape in the Towers (Canterbury)
238 Dodge City - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley)
245 The Battle for Britain - Escape Plan (London)
246 Mutiny - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley)
247 Sub Terra - Co-Decode (Swindon)
252 Pirates of Polaris - The Escapement (Margate)
253 Poppa Plock's Wonky Workshop - Handmade Mysteries (London)
267 The Time Machine - Deadlocked Escape Rooms (Reading)
268 Revenge of the Sheep - clueQuest (London
270 Detention - Ctrl Alt Esc (Margate)
274 The Crystal Maze - The Crystal Maze (London)
4 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 0 parmi le top 50
200 Secret Subway - E-Exit (Budapest)
255 Santa Muerte - E-Exit (Budapest)
271 Pirate Cave - Pirate Cave Escape Room (Budapest)
277 White Mission - Gozsdu Mission (Budapest)
1 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 0 parmi le top 50
116 Race against Time - Insight Out (Vilnius)

1 salle parmi les finalistes, dont 0 parmi le top 50
202 Escape from The Red Room - SCRAP (Tokyo)
Online Room

1 Pursuit of the Assassin Artist - Omescape(San Jose, CA, USA)
2 Miss Jezebel Online - 60 out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
3 Virtual Exorcist - Emergeny Exit (Ashton-under-Lyne, UK)
4 The Beast - Emergency Exit (Ashton-under-Lyne, UK)
5 The Vanishing Act Remote - Locurio (Seattle USA) (Seattle, WA, USA)
6 The Truth About Edith - Mad Genius Escapes (Portland USA)
7 Agent Venture Mission Three: B.A.D Side of the Moon - The Adventure Is Real (London, UK)
8 Condemned 2 Online - NorCal Escape Co. (Yuba City, USA)
9 Project Avatar: First Mission - Project Avatar Online (Lviv, Ukraine)
10 Virtual X-Caper - Agent November (London, UK)
11 Evil Dead 2: Official Remote Escape - Hourglass Escapes (Seattle, WA, USA)
12 Ruins: Forbidden Treasure - The Escape Game (Nashville, TN, USA)
13 Villains - Fuzzy Logic Escape Room (Downers Grove, IL, USA)
14 Horror Hotel: Online - Exit Now (Athens, Greece)
15 Agent Venture Mission One: The Heist - The Adventure Is Real (London, UK)
16 The Amsterdam Catacombs Online - Logic Locks (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
17 Super Squad - Trapped Puzzle Rooms (St. Paul, MN, USA)
18 Agent Venture Mission Two: Cyborg Island - The Adventure Is Real (London, UK)
19 Seven Dwarves: Mining Mission - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada)
20 Before Moonrise - Escape New Haven / Escape.Anywhere (New Haven, CT, USA)
21 Excalibur - Livestream - MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta, CA, USA)
22 Neverland: Heist on the High Seas - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada)
23 The Witch's Forest - Daydream (Toronto, ON, Canada)
24 DTF: Drag Task Force - Mystery Mansion Regina (Regina, SK, Canada)
25 The Diamond Heist Online - The Box (France) (Metz, France)
Bravo à tous, nous on attends juste de prévoir nos prochains voyages!


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